Earning Merit Badges
General steps for earning merit badges:
- Read the requirements and become familiar with what will be required.
- Get a signed Blue Card from the Scoutmaster for the badge you plan to earn.
- Complete any preliminary requirements that are required before your first meeting with the merit badge counselor. Depending on the requirements, this can be a small amount of work, some research on one or two topics, or to become familiar with a skill or concept which you will then discuss with the merit badge counselor. Not all badges have preliminary work, but most do.
- Schedule and attend a meeting with the Counselor to discuss concepts, demonstrate skills, and plan for future requirements. Work with the counselor on a plan for how you will meet the remaining requirements in a way that the counselor considers acceptable. Take notes so that you will remember.
- This is when the bulk of the merit badge work takes place. Do your research, learns concepts, practice skills, and complete tasks to build your knowledge in the merit badge topic and complete the requirements.
- Schedule and attend a second (and often final) meeting with the Counselor. Report on your learning and the tasks completed, bringing records or other evidence as the requirements (and your first meeting with the counselor) dictate. Explain concepts and/or demonstrates skills learned.
- If you sufficiently completed the requirements, the Counselor then fills-out and signs the Blue Card indicating that your work on the badge is complete. The counselor keeps the “Counselor” portion of the card for their records and returns the remaining two portions to you.
- Return the remaining two portions of the Blue Card to the Scoutmaster as soon as possible for recording on your advancement and recognition.
Troop 61
New Berlin, NY