“Every scout deserves a trained leader”
“Every leader deserves to be trained”
When are you considered “trained”?
Pack and Troop Committee Members are “trained” after completing Youth Protection and the “Pack or Troop Committee Challenge” online at: https://myscouting.scouting.org/Pages/eLearning.aspx
Cub Scout Leaders are “trained” after completing Youth Protection, Cub Leader Specific and BALOO.
Boy Scout Leaders are “trained” after completing Youth Protection, Hazardous Weather, Scoutmaster Specific and ITOLS "Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills".
Venture Crew Leaders are “trained” after completing Venture Youth Protection and Venture Leader Specific.
Ship Advisors and Mates are “trained” after completing Venture Youth Protection and Sea Scout Adult Basic Leader Training.
Contact Scoutmaster Paul Stein, 516 315-9975, Pstein293@gmail.com
All Adult Leaders – please note: training is one part of the Scouter’s Training Award and the Scouter’s Key!
Check out the application for the Scouter's Training Award at
Some courses are available in the e-Learning section of
my.scouting.org . A login is required, but anyone may create a user account and view the courses. Registered members of the BSA may provide their member numbers (as part of the user profile) to receive credit. These include:
Safe Swim Defense
Safety Afloat
Weather Hazards
Climb On Safely
Trek Safely
“Every scout deserves a trained leader” and “Every leader deserves to be trained”
Troop 61
New Berlin, NY